I would like to know if the program assigns books ...
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I would like to know if the program assigns books to adults and to students that are age-appropriate for them? 

Adults choose their own books to review. On the other hand, students choose the books they want to review from a booklist online which is screened for them based upon their age. We do NOT assign our adult or student book reviewers books to review.

Although we do not believe in censoring literature, we have a filter on our site so that students under 17 years old cannot Request a Book to Review that has been designated “Mature Young Adult” or “Adult.” 

Each student book reviewer (not adult LitPick book reviewer) is required to have an adult sponsor (parent, teacher, librarian, homeschool educator, etc.). We ask that these adults help the student select an appropriate book for him or her to review from our booklist online that is available to them once they login after registering as a book reviewer. We have a long list of books that are available for review. For each book on the list, there is a suggested age range and genre, along with a description of the book. 

We encourage the adult sponsors of each of our student book reviewers to help their students select age-appropriate books to review.  "Age-appropriate" is a relative term since each student matures at a different rate. If an adult has trouble judging how appropriate a particular book may be for a student, we suggest that the adult search the Internet for more information on the book before allowing the student to choose it to review. 

Please watch LitPick - The Movie for more information about our review process assigning books to younger reviewers.

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